Appliance Maintenance Services
Our team of subcontractor appliance technicians
is trained and equipped to diagnose and repair various
appliances around your home, including dishwashers,
washers and dryers, refrigerators, and more. Home
appliances are a huge investment and most
homeowners seek to have broken ones repaired before
paying the cost to replace them.
Luckily, many home appliances can be saved! Check
out the following services we offer for appliance repair
and inspection:

Dishwashers are a marvel of modern technology, saving individuals and families from spending a significant amount of time standing at a sink.
However, like any appliance in your home, your dishwasher can be prone to leaks and malfunctions.
RMS can help keep your dishwasher up and running by lubricating dishwasher seals as well as checking for water leaks. Every 6 months we notify you that the dishwasher should be decalcified along with the instructions on how to perform this task.
Washing Machines and Dryers
Whether you have a top-loading or front-loading washing machine, issues can always arise with its function. Let RMS check your washing machine discharge hose to ensure that no leaks occur.
Dryer exhaust vents are a major cause of house fires, we make sure that the dryer is properly vented and cleaned.
In addition, we can adjust your washing machines and dryer’s machine legs to make sure both units are balanced properly.
RMS will also inspect your dryer venting to prevent dryer-related hazards such as a fire.
Your refrigerator is perhaps one of the most important appliances in your home. Why run the risk of having it break down and spoil all of your food?
RMS will inspect the working condition of your refrigerator as well as check the water filters and replace them if necessary.
We are also careful to spot any water leaks that could lead to unnecessary messes in your kitchen.
Ovens and Exhaust Fans
When it comes to your kitchen, our team at RMS has your safety in mind.
We will check the operation of your range exhaust fan to ensure that it is properly ventilating fumes as you cook on your stovetop. As well, we can inspect your oven to make sure it is operating safely and efficiently.
Recall Program
All of the major equipment in our customer’s home is registered in a master recall database. If any equipment recall notices are announced, we inform the homeowner and coordinate the repair/replacement
A Custom Plan to Suit Your Home
RMS offers a pre-scheduled service program that allows our technicians to service these items proactively, thereby identifying minor issues before they become major repairs.
We understand that every Edmonton property is different, so we are proud to offer bespoke plans based on your requirements!
Quarterly: These services are performed four times per year on a seasonal basis and include a comprehensive list of items requiring attention.
Semi-Annual and Summer: This hybrid program offers twice-yearly service of your home’s most important interior items in the spring and fall as well as a summer inspection of your home’s exterior.
Semi-Annual: Best suited for townhouses and similar homes, this package includes a twice-yearly service performed at spring/summer and fall/winter intervals.
Condo: Our condominium program includes twice-yearly services on a made-to-measure basis performed at spring/summer and fall/winter intervals. This package only includes interior and emergency services.
Let’s Get in Touch!
Are you ready to have your home inspected and serviced?
Get in touch with RMS today to ensure all the components of your home are in working order!
Have an emergency? We can help with that too! Our Emergency Call Centre is available 24-7 to dispatch the right personnel to your home when the need arises.