Emergency Home Repairs Edmonton
When it comes to owning a home, emergencies can be devastating.
Issues like furnace problems, broken windows, and flooding need to be dealt with immediately. Otherwise, you are looking at potentially expensive and extensive damage.
When a simple DIY repair won’t do the trick, you need to call in professionals - and fast!
Whether it’s to fix your air conditioning to ensure your personal comfort or fix an overflowing tub before it damages your home, emergency repairs shouldn’t be ignored.

In an emergency, Residential Maintenance Services will dispatch the appropriate personnel to remedy the problem.
We Know Your Home
Since we document the components of your home, all applicable information is forwarded to the emergency technician in order to expedite the service.
This way, the issue is remedied quickly and efficiently.
Once the repair is complete, you are provided with a report on the cause of the damage. This way, all parties will have a comprehensive understanding of where the problem occurred and how it was remedied.
Contact RMS for Your Emergency Needs
Homeowner emergencies are responded to immediately through our 24-hour emergency services provided for the exclusive use of RMS customers.
As an RMS customer if you are faced with an emergency issue in your home, please do not hesitate to give us a call!